Rwanda Destinations
Volcanoes National Park
The best place in the world to undertake gorilla trekking is Rwanda’s Volcanoes National Park, which has a comprehensive guide. Get ready for an excellent excursion into the Volcanoes National Park of Northern Rwanda and the nearby tourist spots by reading the free and motivational information in this book. See the fantastic excursions, things to do, and all you need to know to plan your ideal trip to Rwanda’s Virunga Region. Plan your safari with ease using insider knowledge on how to reserve your trip, gorilla permits, lodging for a safari, or even guided gorilla tours inside Rwanda. Whether it’s your first or fifty-first visit, our detailed information will help you organize your trip. The Rwanda Volcanoes National Park is home to several wonderful sights. A lot is waiting for you to see during your safari in Rwanda, from the rare mountain gorillas to distinctive birds that are peculiar to the Virunga Region.

Nyungwe National Park
With 1,019 km2 of dense Afromontane forests, bamboo-covered slopes, grasslands, and wetlands, Nyungwe is the largest area of forest in Rwanda and one of the oldest rainforests in Africa. The park supplies a sizable percentage of Rwanda’s freshwater and feeds two of the greatest rivers in the world, the Congo and the Nile. This remarkable terrain is home to over 1,100 recorded plant species, 345 bird species, 85 species of recognized mammals, including 13 species of African primates, including chimpanzees, black-and-white colobus, L’Hoest’s monkeys, and the Ruwenzori black-and-white colobus. The existence of Nyungwe’s unique biodiversity has historically been threatened by extensive poaching, illegal mining, unsustainable harvesting, and agricultural encroachment. The largest mountain rain forest on this side of Africa, hidden in the midst of tea plantations, can be rather misleading in its size if you only catch a glimpse of it up close. Probably the best-preserved forest in Africa is Nyungwe Forest. Some claim that it is Rwanda’s most significant place for biodiversity. After all, it is home to over 1000 different wildlife species. The park offers a vantage point for gorgeous views of the Virunga Mountains and the Congo and features wonderful, breath-taking landscape. Nyungwe showcases nature at its finest. In the early mornings and late evenings, it is frequently covered in cooling mists and is lush and exquisitely green.

Akagera National Park
When compared to more than 20 years ago, when it was on the verge of being irreversibly damaged, Akagera National Park in Rwanda is hardly recognizable now. The ecosystem was severely damaged as a result of the 1994 Tutsi massacre, which makes its narrative of resurrection all the more amazing. In order to take over management of Akagera National Park in 2010, African Parks teamed up with the Rwanda Development Board (RDB), changing the park’s course toward prosperity and hope. The goal was to turn Akagera, a degraded terrain populated by more than 30,000 cattle, into a revenue-generating park for the benefit of both people and animals.
Gishwati Mukura National Park
The newest national park in Rwanda is Gishwati-Mukura. It was gazetted in 2016 to offer long-term protection to the only survivor of a massive Afro-montane rainforest that formerly stretched south from the Virunga foothills all the way to Nyungwe. It consists of two distinct forest blocs with a combined area of 34 km2. Gishwati-Mukura, which was designated a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve and initially welcomed visitors in 2020, is unquestionably one of Africa’s most fascinating new ecotourism locations. The Gishwati region is home to a chimpanzee population that is being acclimated to tourist visits, and it is serviced by a superbly situated hilltop guesthouse and campsite. In addition to side-striped jackals, servals, and various types of squirrels, other mammals include the widely distributed golden and L’Hoest’s monkeys.